Source code for fpdc_client.base

This module contains the base classes that will be built upon to access API endpoints.

import json
from import MutableMapping

import coreapi
import requests

from .auth import FedoraOIDCAdapter
from .pagination import Paginator

STG_URL = ""

# Cache the server instance for convenience.
_SERVER = None

def _check_server(server):
    if server is not None:
    raise RuntimeError(
        "You must first create an instance of FPDC and call the connect() method."

[docs]class FPDC: """Main class handling the connection to an FPDC server. Attributes: app_id (str): The OpenID Connect application name. You may change it by subclassing or right after instanciation. It needs to be a valid linux filename, without slashes. Args: url (str, optional): The URL of the FPDC server. """ app_id = "fpdc-client" def __init__(self, url=PROD_URL): self.url = url self.schema = None self.client = coreapi.Client() self.client_id = "fpdc-client" self.client_secret = "notsecret" if self.url is PROD_URL: self.issuer = "" elif self.url is STG_URL: self.issuer = "" else: self.issuer = None def login(self, auth_file=None): if auth_file is not None: with open(auth_file) as f: auth_config = json.load(f)["web"] self.client_id = auth_config["client_id"] self.client_secret = auth_config["client_secret"] self.issuer = auth_config["issuer"] if self.issuer is None: raise RuntimeError("You must provide a client secrets files to login") # Recreate the client with the proper transport session = requests.Session() adapter = FedoraOIDCAdapter( self.app_id, self.client_id, self.client_secret, self.issuer ) session.mount(self.url, adapter) self.client = coreapi.Client( transports=[coreapi.transports.HTTPTransport(session=session)] ) if self.schema is not None: # Reconnect, the schema may contain more actions now. self.connect()
[docs] def connect(self): """Connect to the FPDC server and retrieve the REST schema. This method must be called before any other operation is possible. """ global _SERVER self.schema = self.client.get(self.url) _SERVER = self
[docs]class APIObject(MutableMapping): """Base class for REST endpoints. This class behaves like a dictionary: the endpoint's attributes are available as items. One exception though, if you modify an attribute, you have to call the :py:meth:`save` method to commit those changes to the server. Attributes: api_endpoint (str): the name of the REST API endpoint (e.g.: "release"). It must be implemented by sub-classes. api_id (str): the endpoint's property to use as the unique identifier (e.g.: "release_id"). It must be implemented by sub-classes. Args: data (dict): data provided by the REST server. server (:py:class:`FPDC`, optional): FPDC server, defaults to the last FPDC server that was connected to. Raises: NotImplementedError: raised if :py:attr:`api_endpoint` or :py:attr:`api_id` have not been implemented and are still ``None``. """ api_endpoint = None api_id = None def __init__(self, data, server=None): if self.api_endpoint is None or self.api_id is None: raise NotImplementedError self._server = server or _SERVER = data def __repr__(self): return '<{name} "{id}">'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, ) def __str__(self): return str(dict(
[docs] @classmethod def all(cls, server=None): """Retrieve all instances of this endpoint from the server. Args: server (:py:class:`FPDC`, optional): FPDC server, defaults to the last FPDC server that was connected to. Yields: :py:class:`APIObject`: the next instance of this endpoint available on the server. """ server = server or _SERVER _check_server(server) page = 1 paginator = Paginator() while paginator.results_left: result = server.client.action( server.schema, [cls.api_endpoint, "list"], params={"page": page} ) paginator.read_results(result) yield from [cls(data=data, server=server) for data in result["results"]] page = page + 1
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, params, server=None): """Retrieve a single instance of this endpoint from the server. Args: params (dict): Query elements to select the desired instance. server (:py:class:`FPDC`, optional): FPDC server, defaults to the last FPDC server that was connected to. Returns: :py:class:`APIObject`: The corresponding instance from the server. """ server = server or _SERVER _check_server(server) result = server.client.action( server.schema, [cls.api_endpoint, "read"], params=params ) return cls(data=result, server=server)
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, data, server=None): """Create an instance of this endpoint on the server. Args: data (dict): The instance's attributes. server (:py:class:`FPDC`, optional): FPDC server, defaults to the last FPDC server that was connected to. Returns: :py:class:`APIObject`: The newly created instance. """ server = server or _SERVER _check_server(server) result = server.client.action( server.schema, [cls.api_endpoint, "create"], params=data ) return cls(data=result, server=server)
[docs] def save(self): """Save the modifications on the server. APIObject instances can be modified like a dictionary, but the changes are only committed to the server when the :py:meth:`save` method is called. """ _check_server(self._server) result = self._server.client.action( self._server.schema, [self.api_endpoint, "update"], params=dict( ) = result
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete the instance on the server. """ _check_server(self._server) self._server.client.action( self._server.schema, [self.api_endpoint, "delete"], params={"id":["id"]}, # Should we use self.api_id? ) # Make sure the instance is unusable now. = None
# Behave like a dict def __getitem__(self, key): return def __setitem__(self, key, value): return, value) # We could do a partial_update here but I think explicitely calling save() is better. def __delitem__(self, key): return def __iter__(self): return def __len__(self): return len(